Mental Health Resources

If you feel the need for emotional assistance or if you have suicidal thoughts, please reach out to one of these resources for support.

OrganisationContact DetailsWebsite
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group Mental Health Line0800 20 50 26
011 234 4837
Lifeline National Counselling Line086 132 2322
063 709 2620 (WhatsApp)
Akeso Emergency Psychiatric Intervention Unit086 143 5787
Suicide Crisis Line0800 567 567
Cipla Counselling Helpline0800 45 67 89
076 882 2775 (WhatsApp)
Dr Reddy’s Helpline0800 21 22 23
Adcock Ingram Depression and Anxiety Helpline0800 70 80 90
ADHD Helpline0800 55 44 33
* 0800 numbers are free from landlines and cellphones

Resources related to violence against women and children

OrganisationContact DetailsWebsite
Gender-Based Violence Command Centre0800 42 84 28
*120*7867# (USSD)
Rape Crisis021 447 9762
Tears010 590 5920
*134*7355# (USSD)
Lifeline Stop Gender Violence Helpline (24/7)0800 150 150
Childline116 (free from all operators)
* 0800 numbers are free from landlines and cellphones

Resources if you struggle with substance abuse

OrganisationContact Details
Department of Social Development Substance Abuse 24 hr Helpline0800 12 13 14
32312 (SMS)

Covid-19 related resources

For support specifically related to COVID-19, please visit Stellenbosch University, Department of Psychiatry’s website. You will find an extensive list of resources here.

If your concerns are not met by any of the resources listed above, please contact the Mental Health Information Centre of Southern Africa on 021 938 9229.